The main difference between arrays and tuples is that an array has only one type applicable to every member of its list, whereas in a tuple type you can individually specify the types for each member.
import ballerina/io;
public function main() {
// Defines the type of `a` as a pair that consists of an `int` and a `string`.
[int, string] t = [10, "John"];
// Tuple destructuring:The assignment statement assigns values of the
// tuple on the right to the variables on the left.
int i;
string s;
[i, s] = t;
// Invokes a function that returns a tuple.
var [q, r] = divideBy10(6);
io:println("06/10: ", "quotient=", q, " remainder=", r);
// To ignore a value in a tuple, use `_`.
var [q1, _] = divideBy10(57);
io:println("57/10: ", "quotient=", q1);
// This function returns a tuple of two integers.
function divideBy10(int d) returns ([int, int]) {
int q = d / 10;
int r = d % 10;
return [q, r];